A big LIASA family
Committed to the ESG strategy and local development, LIASA strives to be an agent of social transformation, promoting initiatives that contribute to strengthening, developing and improving well-being in the community.

The company strives to maintain a close relationship with the local population, supporting education, training and leisure actions, projects and activities.
Through sponsorship via Culture Incentive Laws, the Childhood and Adolescence Fund (FIA), Sports Activity and the Elderly Fund, LIASA has already made several projects possible:
- Mineiridades
- Festival Sabiá
- Piraporartes no Circuito do Sol
- Classroom Reading Seminar – Pira-Poré
- Rota do Café – Fazendas de Minas Book
- Court Renovation and New Uniforms APAE Pirapora
- Renovation at Sociedade São Vicente de Paula – Asilo de Pirapora
- Installation of Photovoltaic Energy at the Pirapora Asylum and APAE Pirapora
- Passes e Passos Sports Project – Pirapora, Minas Gerais
- Japan in Minas Festival
- Affonso Ávila Documentary
LIASA has entered into a partnership with the Incentive Hub to manage incentivized projects. Social organizations that have projects approved under the Tax Incentive Laws and wish to apply for financial support should access the link below or e-mail: contato@hubdoincentivo.com.br
Learn more about the Hub do Incentivo