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    LIASA considers sustainability a permanent strategic concept in its daily activities. Environmental and social development is a commitment towards the community.
    This is the reason why the company has constantly a close relationship with the local community, supporting actions and projects that aim to improve its employees and Pirapora’s community life quality, respecting diversity and giving privilege to everybody’s health and security.


    LIASA has Environmental Education Program (PEA), which promotes environmental and social actions throughout the city, with an adherence of 100% of its employees. LIASA also has environmental control and monitoring systems for liquid and atmospheric effluents, air, groundwater, soil, noise and solid waste. It recirculates 100% of the water used in the production process, and there is no liquid effluent release in rivers. In relation to forest raw material, it makes 100% use of planted eucalyptus forests.


    The company holds an open relationship with the community and helps its development. Social projects, events meant to the development of commerce and local industry and actions arising from public entities are some examples of LIASA’s established partnerships in Pirapora.

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